Recent Publications
Heredia DJ, Hennig GW, Gould TW Ex vivo imaging of cell-specific calcium signaling at the tripartite synapse of the mouse diaphragm. (2018)
In press at JoVE
Heredia DJ, Feng C-Y, Agarwal A, Nennecker K, Hennig GW, Gould TW (2018) Transient activity-induced Ca2+ responses in developing
axonal Schwann cells are regulated by the proximo-distal loss of axonal vesicles. J Neurosci pii: 0956-18
Heredia DJ, Feng C-Y, Hennig GW, Gould TW (2018) Activity-induced calcium signaling in neonatal perisynaptic Schwann cells is mediated by
P2Y1 receptors and regulates muscle fatigue. eLife 2018;7:e30839
Heredia DJ, Schubert D, Maligireddy S, Hennig GW, Gould TW. (2016) A novel striated muscle-specific myosin-blocking drug for the study of
neuromuscular physiology. Front Cell Neurosci. 10:276.
Scurry AN, Heredia DJ, Feng C-Y, Gephart GB, Hennig GW, Gould TW. (2016) Structural and functional abnormalities of the neuromuscular
junction in the Trembler-J homozygote mouse model of congenital hypomyelinating neuropathy. J Neuropath Exp Neurol 75:334-46